Prof. Nalin Behari Dev Choudhury


Date of Joining: 08/06/1998
Academic/Industrial Experience: 25+ years
Google Scholar: Click Here


  • Deregulated Power System
  • Power System Economics
  • Distributed Generation
  • Power Policies and Issues
  • Power Trading
  • Application of soft computing in Engineering problem solving
  • Smart Grid Applications
  • Reliability of Power System and Integration of Renewable Energy
  • Energy Management Systems in Microgrid


Prof. N. B. Dev Choudhury was born in Patacharkuchi, Assam in 1973 and graduated in Electrical Engineering from Assam Engineering College under Gauhati University in the year 1994. Mr Dev Choudhury completed his masters from IIT Kanpur and also completed PhD in 2011 from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. Dr. Dev Choudhury was initially worked for a LT and HT electrical power panel design and fabrication unit till March, 1997 as Engineer. He served as faculty in Royal Bhutan Polytechnic, Bhutan for a period of one and half years and after that joined Regional Engineering College Silchar, Assam in June, 1998. This Institute becomes the National Institute of Technology Silchar and continuing the service as faculty member in the Department of Electrical Engineering and currently served as Professor. He has vast experience in teaching for more than 25 years in various subjects of Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation subjects. He has vast experience in academic and administration spheres in this Institute including Dean (Alumni Relations), Associate Dean (Students Welfare), Head of the Department (Electrical), Warden, faculty-in-Charge (Training and Placement), Faculty-in-Charge (Purchase), Faculty-in-charge(Security), Members of doctoral committee, Secretary (DPMC) and many others..


  • EMFT
  • EEM
  • Power Sytsem all subjects
  • Power Electronics
  • Adv. Power Electronics
  • Distribution systems
  • Instrumentation
  • Solid state Device
  • Analog Electronic Circuit
  • Digital Electronics
  • Basic Electrical Engineering
  • Electric Drives
  • High voltage Engineering
  • Economics of Power System
  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Electrical Measurement & Measuring Instrument
  • Switchgear and Protection
  • Introduction to Computing


  • Member, IEEE (No. 92684258)
  • Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education (LM29303)
  • Member, International Association of Engineers (no. 107598)
  • Member, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (no. 80337775)
  • Member, Institution of Engineers (India)


National Scholarship received after Class X- in 1988 for 2 years

National Scholarship received after Class XII- in 1990 during UG programme.

India Delegate for a summit on Project Finance and Structure for regional energy projects in South Asia at Bangladesh (2002 from USAID- United State Aid for International Development)

India Delegate for a summit on Strengthening Regional Energy Linkage in South Asia at Bangladesh (2003 from USAID- United State Aid for International Development)



  1. Registrar, NIT Silchar  – 01-01-2021 to 03-01-2022
  2. Faculty-in-Charge, Central Library, 2020-2021
  3. Head of the Department, EE Deptt – 20-08-2018 to 20-08-2020
  4. Faculty-in-Charge, Training and Placement 2013 to 2020
  5. Dean (Alumni Affairs) – 2015- 2018
  6. Coordinator, UG Admission, NIT Silchar 2017
  7. Associate Dean (SW) 2011- 2015
  8. Secretary, DPMC, EE Deptt 2014 to 2018
  9. Faculty-in-charge, Purchase of the Institute 2012- 2013
  10. Co-coordinator, 12th Convocation 2014
  11. Coordinator, 11th Convocation, 2013
  12. Central Class routine committee, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016.
  13. Warden, Hostel-8, 2011-2013
  14. Faculty-in-charge, Institute EPABX, 2010-2014
  15. Faculty-in-charge, Security of the campus, 2004-2007
  16. In-Charge, CET hall, 2005-2007
  17. In-Charge, EDUSAT and GOI project, 2005-2007
  18. Member for departmental committees like DPPC, NBA, Stock Verification, Purchase, Curriculum development for UG and PG, Various departmental lab in-charge, Admission of MTech and PhD for last 16 years


  1. M. M. Jaganath, Saheli Ray, & N. B. Dev Choudhury, “Optimal Placement of Wind Turbines: A Techno-Economic Analysis Using Real-Time Wind Speed Data and Metaheuristic Algorithms,” International Journal of Energy and Water Resources (JEWR), pp. 1-22, 2025.
  2. Behera, S., Dev Choudhury, N.B. Optimal battery management in PV + WT micro-grid using MSMA on fuzzy-PID controller: a real-time study. Sustainable Energy res. 11, 41 (2024).
  3. Taye, Biks Alebachew, and Nalin Behari Dev Choudhury. “A new control method of hybrid energy storage system for DC microgrid application.” Energy Storage: e564.
  4. Chakraborty, N., Choudhury, N. B. D., & Tiwari, P. K. (2023). Profit Maximization of Retailers with Intermittent Renewable Sources and Energy Storage Systems in Deregulated Electricity Market with Modern Optimization Techniques: A Review. Renewable Energy Focus, 100492.
  5. Taye, Biks Alebachew, and Nalin Behari Dev Choudhury. “A dynamic droop control for a DC microgrid to enhance voltage profile and proportional current sharing.” Electric Power Systems Research 221 (2023): 109438.
  6. Jaganath, M. M., Saheli Ray, and NB Dev Choudhury. “Eco-Friendly Microgrid Carport Charging Station for Electric Vehicles (EVs).” e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy (2023): 100196.
  7. Behera S,  Choudhury NBD & Biswas S, (2023) “Maiden Application of the Slime Mold Algorithm for Optimal Operation of Energy Management on a Microgrid Considering Demand Response Program”. SN Comput Sci. 4:491,
  8. Taye, B. A., & Choudhury, N. B. D. (2023). Fuzzy Logic-Based Energy Management of Dispatchable and Non-dispatchable Energy Units in DC Microgrid with Energy Storage System. SN Computer Science4(5), 576.
  9. S. Behera and N. B. D. Choudhury, “Adaptive Optimal Energy Management in Multi-Distributed Energy Resources by using Improved Slime Mould Algorithm with considering Demand Side Management,” e-Prime – Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy (2023), vol. 3, doi: 10.1016/
  10. S. Behera and N. B. D. Choudhury, “Modelling and simulations of modified slime mould algorithm based on fuzzy PID to design an optimal battery management system in microgrid,” Clean. Energy Syst., vol. 3, no. October, p. 100029, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.cles.2022.100029.
  11. M. M., Jaganath, Saheli Ray, and N. B. Dev Choudhury. “Techno-enviro-economic optimization of renewable energy potential in North Eastern India.” International Journal of Ambient Energy (2022): 1-19.
  12. Sadasiva Behera, and Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “SMA-based optimal energy management study in a connected PV/MT/DG/V2G/BESS/WT on IEEE-33 bus considering network losses and voltage deviations.” Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences (2022): 43(3), pp:513-532.
  13. Sadasiva Behera, and Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “A systematic review of energy management system based on various adaptive controllers with optimization algorithm on a smart microgrid.” International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 31.12 (2021): e13132.
  14. Mayur Barman,  Sadasiva Behera and Nalin. B. Dev. Choudhury, “Power system load forecasting employing alike day scheme upgraded fuzzy logic controller.” ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology 10.3 (2021).
  15. Debasis Tripathy, Nalin Behari Dev Choudhury, and Binod Kumar Sahu. “Grasshopper optimization algorithm-based fuzzy-2DOF-PID controller for LFC of interconnected system with nonlinearities.” International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD) 12.3 (2021): 11-29.
  16. Debasis Tripathy, Nalin Behari Dev Choudhury and Binod Kumar Sahu. “Performance Improvement Using GOA-Based Fuzzy-2D-PIDF Controller for AGC of Multi-Area Power System.” International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD) 12.2 (2021): 1-20.
  17. Tripathy, Debasis, Sadasiva Behera, and N. B. Dev Choudhury. “Implementation of Grasshopper optimization algorithm based cascaded fuzzy PD-PI controller for frequency stability in a multi-area power system.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 23.2 (2020): 335-345.
  18. Tripathy, Debasis, NB Dev Choudhury, and B. K. Sahu. “A novel cascaded fuzzy PD-PI controller for load frequency study of solar-thermal/wind generator-based interconnected power system using grasshopper optimization algorithm.” The International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education (2020): 0020720920930365.
  19. Tripathy, Debasis, NB Dev Choudhury, and B. K. Sahu. “Comparative performance assessment of several fractional order-two degree freedom controllers tuned using GOA for LFC.” Procedia Computer Science 167 (2020): 2022-2032.
  20. Barman, Mayur, and Nalin Behari Dev Choudhury. “A similarity based hybrid GWO-SVM method of power system load forecasting for regional special event days in anomalous load situations in Assam, India.” Sustainable Cities and Society 61 (2020): 102311.
  21. D. Tripathy, N.B. Dev Choudhury, and B.K. Sahu, “Performance Assessment of Fuzzy-Two Degree of Freedom-PID Controller Tuned with Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for AGC Incorporating Non-Conventional Sources,” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, Special Issue 5, 2019, pp. 1530-42.
  22. D. Tripathy, N. B. Dev Choudhury, and B. K. Sahu, “Dynamic Performance Comparison of Energy Storage Systems Using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm optimized Cascade Controller for LFC of a Two Area Multi Source Power System,” international journal of mechanical and production engineering research and development (IJMPERD) TJPRC pvt. Ltd, vol. 8, special issue 3, 2018, pp. 159-169.
  23. M. Barman, N. B. Dev Choudhury., “Season specific approach for short-term load forecasting based on hybrid FA-SVM and similarity concept.” Energy 2019;174:886–96. doi:10.1016/
  24. M. Barman, N. B. Dev Choudhury.,“Hybrid GOA-SVR technique for short term load forecasting during periods with substantial weather changes in North-East India.”ProcediaComputSci 2018;143:124–32. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.360.
  25. Barman, Mayur, NB Dev Choudhury, and Suman Sutradhar. “A regional hybrid GOA-SVM model based on similar day approach for short-term load forecasting in Assam, India.” Energy 145 (2018): 710-720.
  26. G. H. Reddy, Arup Kumar Goswami, and Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “Impact of plug-in electric vehicles and distributed generation on reliability of distribution systems.” Engineering science and technology, an international journal 21, no. 1 (2018): 50-59.
  27. G. H. Reddy., A. K. Goswami and Nalin B Dev Choudhury., “Impact of Distributed Generation Integration on Distribution System Reliability.” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 11(34), pp:1-13, September 2018.
  28. G . H. Reddy., AnushaBadepalli, NallaSivaprasad., C. Behera., A. K. Goswami and Nalin B Dev Choudhury., “Impact of Electric Vehicles on Distribution System Performance in the presence of Solar PV integration.” International Journal of Computational Intelligence &IoT, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019.
  29. Reddy, Galiveeti Hemakumar, Pranju Chakrapani, Arup Kumar Goswami, and Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “Fuzzy based approach for restoration of distribution system during post natural disasters.” IEEE Access 6 (2017): 3448-3458.
  30. Barman, Mayur, NB Dev Choudhury, and Sadasiva Behera. “A fuzzy logic controller based mid-term load forecasting with renewable penetration in Assam, India.” ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology 6.3 (2017): 1-6.
  31. M. Barman and N. B. D. Choudhury, “Artificial Neural Network Based Electricity Price Forecasting Using Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm,” Int. J. Control Theory Appl., vol. 10, no. 19, pp. 127–136, 2017 (Scopus).
  32. G. H. Reddy, A. K. Goswami, and N. B. D. Choudhury, “A Hybrid Method for Distribution Substation Reliability Evaluation,” International Review of Electrical Engineering (I.R.E.E.), vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 142-150, April. 2017. (Scopus).
  33. G. H. Reddy, P. Chakrapani, A. K. Goswami, and N. B. D. Choudhury, “Optimal distributed generation placement in distribution system to improve reliability and critical loads pick up after natural disasters,” Eng. Sci. Technol. an Int. J., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 825–832, 2017 (ESCI).
  34. S. Sutradhar, N. B. D. Choudhury, and N. Sinha, “Modelling of Hydrothermal Unit Commitment Coordination Using Efficient Metaheuristic Algorithm : A Hybridized Approach,” Journal of Optimization, vol. 2016, 2016 (ESCI).
  35. Dev Choudhury, N. B., Chatterjee, A., and Goswami, S. K., “A Fuzzy Membership Filtering Aided Neural Network based Transmission Loss Allocation Scheme using Game Theory”, Expert Systems With Applications (Elsevier), Volume 39, Issue 3, February, 2012, pages 3162-3168.
  36. Dev Choudhury, N. B., De, M., and Goswami, S. K., “Transmission Loss Allocation in a Power Market using Artificial Neural Network”, Electrical Engineering (Springer), Vol. 86, No. 5, DOI 10.1007/s00202-012-0243-9.
  37. Dev Choudhury, N. B., and Goswami, S. K., “Transmission Loss Allocation using Combined Game Theory and Artificial Neural Network”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 3, Issue. 1. 2012.
  38. Dev Choudhury, N. B., and Goswami, S. K., “Artificial Intelligence Solution to Transmission Loss Allocation Problem”, Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), Volume 38, Issue 4, April 2011, Pages 3757-3764.
  39. Dev Choudhury, N. B., and Goswami, S. K., “Transmission Loss Allocation Using Game Theory Based Artificial Neural Networks”, In Proc. IEEE 6th Intl. Conf. ECTI-CON 2009, Thailand, vol-1, pp 186-189.



  1. M. M. Jaganath, S. Ray and N. B. Dev Choudhury, “Maximizing Year-Around Energy Availability byAdaptive Component Changes in Microgrid,” 2023 4th IEEE Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT), Bangalore, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/GCAT59970.2023.10353417.
  2. B. A. Taye and N. B. D. Choudhury, “Adaptive Filter Based Control Method for Performance Improvement of Hybrid Energy Storage System in DC Microgrid,” 2023 IEEE Guwahati Subsection Conference (GCON), Guwahati, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/GCON58516.2023.10183437.
  3. S. Behera and N. B. Dev Choudhury, “Application of MSMA-based-Fuzzy plus PID controller’s for battery management in microgrid,” 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICECCME55909.2022.9988567.
  4. M. M. Jaganath, S. Ray and N. B. Dev Choudhury, “Techno-Economic Analysis of Renewable Energy Resources for providing Water-Energy-Heat Nexus of a Rural Community,” 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), Hubli, India, IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-6.
  5. Behera, Sadasiva, Nalin B. Dev Choudhury, and Nirojakanta Swain. “Battery Energy Management and Power Control in Microgrids using PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller based SMA.” 2022 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE). pp. 1-6, IEEE, 2022.
  6. Behera, Sadasiva, Choudhury, Nalin B. Dev. “Cascaded fuzzy PI controller for energy management and power quality enhance by an SAP filter applicable for grid/island operations.” 2021 4th International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering (RDCAPE). IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2021.
  7. Behera, Sadasiva, Nalin B. Dev Choudhury, and Debasis Tripathy. “Brief Study on Applications of Phasor Measurement Units in Smartgrid Technology.” 2021 1st International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy (ICPEE). IEEE, pp. 1-5, 2021.
  8. Behera, Sadasiva and  Choudhury, Nalin B. Dev. “Performance Improvement for Optimum Positioning of PMUs using Binary Dragonfly Algorithm and Loss Minimization of Transmission Network.” 2020 International Conference on Renewable Energy Integration into Smart Grids: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Technology Modelling and Simulation (ICREISG). pp. 1-5, IEEE, 2020.
  9. Tripathy, Debasis, NB Dev Choudhury, Sadasiva Behera, and Binod Kumar Sahu. “Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm based Fuzzy PD-PI Cascade Controller for LFC of Interconnected Power System Coordinate with Renewable sources.” In 2020 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), pp. 111-116. IEEE, 2020.
  10. Behera, Sadasiva and  Choudhury, Nalin B. Dev. “A Review On: MPPT Technique in Association With Model Predictive Controlling Scheme for Reducing the THID of Grid Connected PV Systems.” 2nd International Conference on Non-Conventional Energy: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials for Energy & Environment (ICNNEE). 2019.
  11. D. Tripathy, N.B. Dev Choudhury, and B.K. Sahu, “Performance Improvement of LFC using GOA based FuzzyPD-PI Cascade Controller for Power System Coordinate with Renewable sources,”IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON 2019), Aligarrh, India, 2019.
  12. D.Tripathy, N. B. Dev Choudhury, and B. K. Sahu,“Comparative performance assessment of several Fractional Order-Two Degree Freedom controllers tuned using GOA for LFC,”International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science (ICCIDS 2019), Gurugram, India, 2019.
  13. D.Tripathy, B. K. Sahu, N. B. Dev Choudhury, and S. Dawn, “Spider monkey optimization based cascade controller for LFC of a hybrid power system,”International Conference on Computational Intelligence &IoT (ICCIIoT),NIT Agartala, India, 2018, pp.747-753
  14. D. Tripathy, A. K. Barik, N. B. Dev Choudhury, and B. K.Sahu,“Performance Comparison of SMO-Based Fuzzy PID Controller for Load Frequency Control,”Soft Computing for Problem Solving, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,IIT Bhubaneswar, India, 2018, pp. 879-892
  15. D.Tripathy, B. K.Sahu,B.Patnaik, and N.B. Dev Choudhury,“Spider Monkey Optimization Based Fuzzy-2D-PID Controller for Load Frequency Control in Two-Area Multi Source Interconnected Power System,”IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Smart-City Energy Security and Power (ICSESP-2018), March 28-30, Bhubaneswar, India, 2018, pp. 1-6.
  16. M. Barman and N. B. D. Choudhury, “Artificial Neural Network Based Electricity Price Forecasting Using Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm, ”2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management (SCESM-2017) -27-28 January 2017,”pp. 0593-0598.
  17. Mitra, Rituparna, Galiveeti Hemakumar Reddy, Arup Kumar Goswami, and Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “Power transformer failure analysis using interval type-2 fuzzy set theory based fault tree analysis.” In 2016 IEEE 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2016.
  18. Reddy, Galiveeti Hemakumar, Pranju Chakrapani, Arup Kumr Goswami, and Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “Prioritization of load points in distribution system considering multiple load types using fuzzy theory.” In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2017.
  19. Sutradhar, Suman, NB Dev Choudhury, and N. Sinha. “MINLP for hydrothermal scheduling problem considering transmission loss.” In 2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2016.
  20. Sutradhar, S., Choudhury, N.D. and Sinha, N., 2015, December. Hydrothermal scheduling using Modified Flower Pollination Algorithm: A Parallel Approach. In IEEE region 10th Conference (TENCON), 2017 Annual IEEE (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  21. Sutradhar, S., Choudhury, N.D. and Sinha, N., 2016, July. MINLP for Hydro-Thermal Unit Commitment problem using BONMIN solver. In Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  22. Sutradhar, S., Choudhury, N.D. and Sinha, N., 2015, December. Mixed integer non-linear programming for hydrothermal scheduling problem. In India Conference (INDICON), 2015 Annual IEEE (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  23. Sutradhar, S., Dev Choudhury, N.B. and Sinha, N., 2015, September. Grey wolf optimizer for short term hydrothermal scheduling problems. In Michael Faraday IET International Summit 2015 (pp. 522-527). IET.
  24. Dev Choudhury, N. B., Prajapati, D, Kakoti, R, “Identification of Transmission loss in trading of power using tracing of power flow”, IEEE 9th Intl. Conf. ECTI-CON 2012, Thailand, pp. 1-4,May 16-18, 2012
  25. Dev Choudhury, N. B., Mala De, and S. K. Goswami, “ Transaction based Power flow solution and transmission loss allocation using Neural Network”, In Proc. of IEEE International Joint Conference of Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2010, India habitat Centre, New Delhi, India, 20-23 Dec, 2010.
  26. Dev Choudhury, N. B., and Goswami, S. K., “Fair Allocation of Transmission Ancillary Service Cost using Game Theory”, Presented in 20th IEEE AUPEC 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand, 5-8 December, 2010.
  27. Dev Choudhury, N. B., R. K. Singh and S.K. Goswami, “Optimal Allocation of Distributed Generation in Distribution Network with Voltage and Frequency Dependent Loads” , In Proc. of 2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third ICIIS, IIT Kharagpur, India, pp. 1-6, Dec. 8-10, 2008.
  28. Dev Choudhury, N. B., R. K. Singh and S.K. Goswami, “Effect of Load Models on Nodal Pricing and Revenue Evaluation of DG in Distribution Network” , In Proc. of IEEE Conference $ Exhibition on Control, Communication and Automation (INDICON 2008), IIT Kanpur, India, pp. 229-233, 11-13 Dec, 2008.


  1. Satyaki Biswas, Sadasiva Behera, and Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “Reliability Assessment and Reliability Improvement of System by High Renewable Penetration”. Smart Grids as Cyber Physical Systems, Vol.1, Chap.22, May 2024.
  2. Biks Alebachew Taye & Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “Dynamic Droop Control in Direct Current Microgrid to improve Voltage Regulation and Current Sharing”, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in Electrical Engineering (ICSTACE), Jan 19-20, 2023,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1117. Springer, Singapore (2023).
  3. Satyaki Biswas, Sadasiva Behera, Nalin B. Dev Choudhury and Suresh Reddy Mekapati.”Rapid EV Market Expansion due to V2G Technology: A Review on V2G Grid Load Balancing and Control”, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in Electrical Engineering (ICSTACE), Jan 19-20, 2023,Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1117. Springer, Singapore (2023).
  4. Satyaki Biswas, Sadasiva Behera, and Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “A Brief Review on the Barriers of Electric Vehicle Adoption and Present Scenario in India.”  Flexible Electronics for Electric Vehicles (FLEXEV) 2022, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1065. Springer, Singapore.
  5. Behera, Sadasiva and Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “Maiden performance analysis of PV and wind hybrid microgrid with battery management using PI and fuzzy controller connected with      grid.” Proceedings of Symposium on Power Electronic and Renewable Energy Systems Control. Springer, Singapore, 2021.
  6. Hemakumar Reddy, Galiveeti, Shruti Ramakrishna Gunaga, Raju More, Sadhan Gope, Arup Kumar Goswami, and Nalin B. Dev Choudhury. “Reliability Evaluation of Distribution System Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy System.” In Congress on Intelligent Systems, pp. 223-236. Springer, Singapore, 2020.
  7. Behera, Sadasiva, Nalin B. Dev Choudhury, Barman, Mayur and Biswas, Satyaki . “Application of Perturb and Observe Algorithm for MPPT Technique in Association with MP Controller for Reducing the THD of Grid Connected PV Systems.” International Conference on Innovation in Modern Science and Technology. Springer, Cham, 2019.
  8. Barman, Mayur, N. B. Choudhury, and Sadasiva Behera. “An Alike Day Data Improved Fuzzy Logic Controller for Week Ahead Power System Load Forecasting.” International Conference on Innovation in Modern Science and Technology. Springer, Cham, 2019.
  9. Tripathy, Debasis, A. K. Barik, N. B. Dev Choudhury, and B. K. Sahu. “Comparative analysis of FACTS coordinated hybrid power system with RFB for AGC using GOA based F-2DOF-PID controller.” In International Conference on Innovation in Modern Science and Technology, pp. 209-218. Springer, Cham, 2019.
  10. Reddy, G. H., Gope, S., Goswami, A. K., & Choudhury, N. B. (2019, September). Distribution System Failure Assessment Using Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis. In International Conference on Innovation in Modern Science and Technology (pp. 429-438). Springer, Cham.




1. One week GIAN course on “Methodological approach for circuit analysis of modern power system”  from 08-01-2018 to 13-01-2018. 



Scopus Author ID: 26422854300

Research Gate:

Web of Science Researcher ID: AGI-3687-2022



Sl. No. Name of the Ph.D. Scholar Status Research Area Supervision  
 1. Suman Sutradhar Completed  Some Studies in intelligent algorithms for optimal operation of power system under convectional and deregulated environment. Co-Supervisor
 2. Galiveeti Hemakumar Reddy Completed  Approaches for Reliability Assessment and Improvement of Electrical Distribution System. Co-Supervisor
 3. Mayur Barman Completed  Some New Hybrid Approaches for Solving Power System Load Forecasting Problem during Anomalous Load Situations under Diverse Influential factors Utilizing Support Vector Machine Sole Supervisor
 4. Debasis Tripathy Completed Design and Application of Fuzzy Logic based Cascaded Controller for Load Frequency Control of Interconnected Power Systems. Sole Supervisor
 5. M.M. Jaganath Completed Techno-Enviro-Economic Feasibility Assessment of Hybrid Renewable Energy System Co-Supervisor
 6. Biks Alebachew Taye Completed  DC Microgrid control and Power quality improvement. Sole Supervisor
 7. Sadasiva Behera Completed Adaptive Fuzzy Controlled, and meta-heuristic-based multi-objective Energy Management System in  microgrid. Sole Supervisor 
 8. Satyaki Biswas Completed  Energy Management in Microgrid with EVs: Economics, Environment and Reliability Benefits. Sole Supervisor
 9. Imtiaz Alam Ongoing  Distributed Generation Integration and Reliability Co-Supervisor
 10. Nirban Chakraborty Ongoing  Short term power Scheduling and energy market trading Co-Supervisor


Sl. No. Name of Scholar Status Thesis Title Supervision
1. Nilamber Panda Completed  Differential Evolution Based Optimal Location and Parameter Settings of SSSC by Minimization of Generation Cost and Transmission Loss. Sole Supervisor
2. Ranjit Jena Completed  Optimal Placement of FACTS device for Enhancing Total transfer capability (TTC) During Contingency. Sole Supervisor
3. Jaydev Miduli Completed  An Integration of ANN Method for Shunt Active Power Filter to Compensate harmonics and Reactive Power.  Sole Supervisor
4. Scion Saamantary Completed  Optimal Placement and Sizing of FACTS Controllers Using Multi-objective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Sole Supervisor
5. Shivam Yadav Completed  Transmission Loss Optimization Using Differential Evolution and Allocation using Game Theoretic Approach. Sole Supervisor
6. Sadasiva Behera Completed  Maximum Power Point Tracking of grid Connected PV System Employing Model Predictive Control Technique. Sole Supervisor
7. Divya Rashmi Completed Profit Allocation of Distribution System Considering Distributed Generation and FACTS Devices Co-Supervisor
8. Uttam Barman Completed Impact of FACT Devices TCSC and SVC on Transmission Lines. Sole Supervisor
9. Pritam Das Completed Study of the Impact of Grid Connected Wind Farm on Power System Small Signal Stability. Sole Supervisor
10. Aishwarya Ravi Completed Reliability Assessment of Power Plants. Sole Supervisor
11. Jayparno Shaw Completed Wireless Power Transfer Technologies for Biomedical Implantable Applications. Co-Supervisor